Saturday, March 12, 2011

Edward de Bono- [Teach Youself To Think]

"Our happiness and success depend on clear thinking. But too many of us are compromised by confusion, trying to do too much at once, and not knowing what to do next.

...... Because thinking and intelligence are quite separate. Intelligence is like the horsepower of a car. Thinking is like the skill of the car driver. Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers and get caught in the 'intelligence trap'. Many less intelligent people have developed a high degree of skill in thinking."

Another book from Bono. 

Wanted to read this to find out how I can operate my left and right brains together. Having studied pure science in school, IT in college, and now, being in an account management role, I tend to do things in my ways- I like to follow a set of logic in everything I do.

This is also because, the conventional education system has taught us to favour left-brain mode of thinking.

Over the years, I've strayed from the path, I chose to put on my red hat, refused to think logically, I've become capricious and over-bearing. 

That is why 2010 did not turn out to be a year to remember.

Then, I've received a calling to return to what I do best. Taking one step at a time, I rediscovered my inner strengths, rebuilt my belief, and dived myself into the world of creativity again.

It takes time to be whole-brained. I am doing it. :)

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