Sunday, July 17, 2011

That's what I call advertising!

Have been very, very busy lately.

I have embarked on an amazing journey of self-empowerment, just seven months' into my new working relationship with Lucideas.

From tweens to old ladies; from parents to lower-income parents to caregiver and incontinence patients, we have looked into the insights of each TA, and worked out a complete communication strategy for each of the brand.

Right after the first wave, the second wave hit us and we were challenged to submit three proposals- all in two weeks.

And so, the team again dived into the sea to dig out more information.

What makes this happen, is a team of unsung heroes behind the scene. Zac, Kel, Gwyn, Mel, Balan, Fiona, Paula and Edwin.

And of course, once again, I am amused by my determination.

At times, I asked where I get my strengths from.

And then it has become clear that, when you know your direction, you can sail anywhere you want.