Friday, October 8, 2010

Phnom Penh, Cambodia- A Learning Trip 柬埔寨学习之旅

Leaving behind my heavy workload, I embarked on a long-awaited journey to Cambodia. No luxurious aircraft, no deluxe hotel; All that I have are a backpack and a pair of canvas shoes. 卸下繁重的工作,背起了背包去流浪。没有豪华的飞机、更没有名贵的饭店;有的只是一个背包和一双帆布鞋,原来生活可以这么简单!

Pardon me for the pictures below- I have excluded the magnificient palace and sacred pagodas, fancy cuisines, and other sites of interest (I'm sure you can easily get these from the internet). 为求写实,我删去了一些美食及宏伟壮观的风景照(那些照片应该很容易在网上找到吧)。

Commuting to the hotel. It was raining all the way- the "cabin" was covered by some waterproof canvas but it did not stop the rain from coming in. P/S: This driver is a staff from the hotel- and according to him, he is only making USD40 a month! 在去饭店的路上。雨下得很大,车厢只用一层帆布围着。这名司机是饭店派来的,他告诉我他一个月的工钱只有40块美金!
Tuol Sleng (S-21) Museum. A high school that turned into a prison and torture chamber during the Khmer Rouge. During Pol Pot's genocidal rule (1975-1979), about 1-2 million people were starved to death, tortured, and killed. 30,000 people died in S-21. Tuol Sleng (S-21) 博物馆。这是一间波尔布特的种族灭绝统治时期(1975-1979)被转用成监狱和刑场的高中。在这期间,约1至2亿人被迫饿死,受尽折磨和被杀害。其中三万人死于S-21。

 Some actual torture devices. 暴权统治遗留下的刑具。

If not because of the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia would have become a developing nation like us......  

On the ferry to Koh Dach village. Ander chatting away with Sovann. Sovann is studying in a university while driving tuk-tuk part time. He wants to become a tuk-tuk driver after his studies. To many Cambodians, growing up and becoming a tuk-tuk driver (or a tour guide) is like a norm, it is a big job; A major source of income in their country. 在前往Koh Dach村庄的途中,Ander与Sovann聊了起来。Sovann目前于一所大学上课,同时兼差做tuk-tuk司机。完成学业后,他想当一名全职的tuk-tuk司机。对许多柬埔寨人来说,长大后能成为tuk-tuk司机或导游, 就是他们的梦想。

Does this picture bring you back to the 80's? 这张照片是否带你回到了80年代呢?

We were greeted by some villagers on a motor-bike. At first we thought they were friendly. After being greeted by a few villagers, we started to doubt if they are genuinely... 村民们纷纷骑着摩托车热情地向我们打招呼。原本以为这是他们表达友善的方式,怎知。。。

Then we looked back and here they are! All chasing behind us with their silk on the bike! Then we realized these people wanted to make money by selling their silk! 回头一看,不得了!后面跟来了好多摩托车!他们追着要我们购买做好的丝绸。

Joe, 15 years old. Joe, 15岁。

I will never forget the girl. Monica, 13 years old. While taking the pic, Ander was consistently reminding me how dirty the girl was. But I know, it is not her choice to be in this state... 我永远不会忘记的小女孩,Monica,13岁。摄此照时,Ander一直在提醒我这女孩有多脏。可是我却深深地感觉到,生处这样的环境,并不是她所能控制的。

Joe and the sister, Jane. Joe和姐姐Jane。

Poor children waiting to be fed... 嗷嗷待哺的孩子们。

Innocent boy and girl. 一脸的无邪、天真。

A bed, a curtain and a kitten. That's what they call a "home". 

The monks. 小和尚。
Kang (15), So (16), and Oh (15), our Oudong tour-guides. (At this age, they are only standing at about 155-160cm.) They offered to guide us up to the hill top for exchange of some tips. Kang (15岁), So (16岁), 和Oh (15岁),是陪伴我们上Oudong山的导游。(在这个年龄,他们只有155-160公分的高度。)为了赚许一些小费,他们常为游客们提供导游服务。

On the way back... it kept me thinking and thinking.... 回家的路上- 感触很深、很深。

The trip has opened my eyes to the life of a third-world country. Going deep into the countryside to meet their people is especially meaningful. I came back with a heavy heart- it left me wonder what and how I can contribute to their people; it has also taught me to be grateful of what I have.  这一趟让我对第三世界的生活大开眼界-尤其是走进偏远的村庄和人群接触。我带回了一颗沉重的心,一直在想如何能对他们做出贡献。

Be grateful of what we have, and live this life to the fullest! 珍惜当下,惜福,感恩!

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